Need a virtual event that makes an impact?

Ricky’s Video Presentation is the perfect solution...

With many companies switching to virtual training in 2020 (due to Covid-19) Ricky wanted to come up with a way to continue to get his life-saving message out there despite in-person sessions being postponed. The answer? A 91-minute video presentation. Now Ricky’s passionate and humourous storytelling can engage and impact audiences around the world no matter what.

With all five stories in the video and all the original content in Ricky’s live speeches, this presentation has something that will touch each viewer.

This presentation can be enjoyed all in one viewing, but with the five stories having a clear start and finish, the video can be viewed in story segments (perfect for safety meetings).

For $495 you will receive a flash drive with both the 91-minute presentation and a 1 hr 47-minute presentation. Each video is for 1 site viewing only.

Ready to get your video presentation? It’s easy! Just fill out the form below and Ricky will be in touch to collect payment (all major credit cards accepted) as well as your mailing address to get your flash drive to you ASAP.

Ready to See Ricky’s Presentation?

Simply fill out the contact form below, and Ricky will be in touch shortly…

What Viewers Will Experience

(and time length in minutes for each segment)


Opening and using your influence and letting others influence you.


How learning from what happened to a friend and using our influence affected our family for generations. A seat belt story.


How Rachel Taylor, a 17-year-old girl changed a steel mill’s safety policy. Leadership story.


Ricky’s accident story and how it could have affected another family if the new guy with him had been hit in his head instead of Ricky.


Ricky’s brother Phil and Brother’s Keepers story.


Jim Harris story of how he nearly died because people didn’t do their jobs twice.


We will never remember how many tons (product) we make today and closing.


Breaking the presentation into approximately 30-minute segments.

Opening, seatbelt story, and Rachel Taylor Story:  34 minutes 11 seconds

Ricky’s story and Phil’s:   25 minutes 3 seconds

Jim’s story and closing:  32 minutes 9 seconds